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The Anime Freshmen Podcast

Join us as we get together on our bi-weekly podcast which brings you our fresh take on the medium that is anime.

Whether you are a seasoned anime fan or an anime freshman, we have you covered. Sit back, enjoy and keep it fresh!

For more things anime and Anime Freshmen check out our website for the Freshest Content!

Nov 27, 2024

“Calling all cars, calling all cars. Be on the lookout for another Skynet Review episode, approximately drunk with power and making picks at random...” 

We close out this edition of Skynet with an anime that defies expectation, logic, reason, and plot.

No description does it justice.

A girl and her father, mixed...

Nov 13, 2024

It's officially Draft season somewhere, so each Freshmen had to draw up a team based on the most spastic criteria available.

Superbowl No Jutsu.

Every effort is made to keep spoilers to a minimum. (The only exception being older titles)

Catch our Fresh Bites Review Show and AMVs on our YouTube channel: The Anime...

Nov 2, 2024

A hallowed tradition that reigns supreme within the Freshmen lore is a Night of reasoning; a meeting of the minds; a parlay of perspectives.

We call it Quiz Night.

Once again, the Freshmen test their Anime credentials against all challengers in a serie of challenges, this time against ourselves.

How it went? If you win,...