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The Anime Freshmen Podcast

Join us as we get together on our bi-weekly podcast which brings you our fresh take on the medium that is anime.

Whether you are a seasoned anime fan or an anime freshman, we have you covered. Sit back, enjoy and keep it fresh!

For more things anime and Anime Freshmen check out our website for the Freshest Content!

Mar 25, 2020

In light of recent events, this episode sees the team welcome back 'Trust No1 Jeffery' as we discuss a range of different anime and give our recommendations of anime you can watch during quarantine.

Please note this episode may contain light spoilers.

Be sure to rate and subscribe to the show & follow on...

Mar 11, 2020

We interrupt your normally scheduled podcast to bring you an episode where the team talk about current events that are affecting the world. (Dio Voice) 

Please note this episode may contain light spoilers.

Be sure to rate and subscribe to the show & follow on our socials: 

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