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The Anime Freshmen Podcast

Join us as we get together on our bi-weekly podcast which brings you our fresh take on the medium that is anime.

Whether you are a seasoned anime fan or an anime freshman, we have you covered. Sit back, enjoy and keep it fresh!

For more things anime and Anime Freshmen check out our website for the Freshest Content!

May 31, 2023

In a world devastated by war, pollution, and inequality, the Anime Freshmen are here to sprinkle justice and good old-fashioned chaos.

It's been a long time coming, so today we have a round table discussion of what an anime version of the Anime Freshmen would be like; name, power system, world setting, and if Karto would...

May 19, 2023

Just as special as a Celestial Alignment or an anime with no fan service, is when those in the UK Black Anime Community connect, link up, and show the world our ninja way. 

It's happened again, and joining us for this episode is Neni, the founder of Anime & Chill UK, who's been setting off rasengan waves in the...

May 3, 2023

The era of AI is upon us, and Skynet has designated that against better judgement, we take a look at the anime called Police in a Pod.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a bit of a sticky one.

This episode will contain anime-specific spoilers.

Catch our Fresh Bites Review Show and AMVs on our YouTube channel: The Anime...