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The Anime Freshmen Podcast

Join us as we get together on our bi-weekly podcast which brings you our fresh take on the medium that is anime.

Whether you are a seasoned anime fan or an anime freshman, we have you covered. Sit back, enjoy and keep it fresh!

For more things anime and Anime Freshmen check out our website for the Freshest Content!

Jan 27, 2021

In this episode, we discuss powers in anime and their disadvantages, we also explore how we would use bad powers in challenges scenarios. 

Every effort is made to keep spoilers to a minimum. (The only exception being older titles)

Catch our Fresh Bites Review Show and AMVs on our youtube channel: The Anime Freshmen


Jan 13, 2021

In our first episode of 2021, we explore anime sidekicks and what their stories would look like if they had pokemon sidekicks, we also discuss the recent news around Demon Slayer and Japanese publisher, Shueisha before taking a look at some of the upcoming Winter 2021 titles.

Every effort is made to keep spoilers to a...