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The Anime Freshmen Podcast

Join us as we get together on our bi-weekly podcast which brings you our fresh take on the medium that is anime.

Whether you are a seasoned anime fan or an anime freshman, we have you covered. Sit back, enjoy and keep it fresh!

For more things anime and Anime Freshmen check out our website for the Freshest Content!

Dec 27, 2023

Another revolution around the Sun and saying that the highs and lows have left their mark would only be the beginning.

2023 has been incredible for so many reasons; from our beloved guests, hosting our 1st Convention, to finally completing a Skynet Season, and so much more.

From the entire Anime Freshmen Team, we want...

Dec 13, 2023

Skynet remains undefeated and just like the T-1001 Terminator it's back yet again.

Being a teenager is hard. It can be even harder when a supernatural being decides to expose a group of friends to various supernatural, sense-altering phenomena in their daily lives. 

You read that right.

A teenage drama/slice of life...